Send us some data. Get a custom demo (or demo video).
STEP 1 - Fill out the form:
STEP 2 - (OPTIONAL) Upload your files. Let us show you how the software works with your own project data:
- Survey data with elevations, in any of the following formats:
- Total Station (ASCII xyz, .csv, etc)
- LiDAR (.las, .laz, .geoTIF)
- Other formats: .DWG, LandXML, etc
- Additional Items for Road Design Demos (that are nice to have, but not essential):
- Preliminary alignments (.shp, .landxml, .dwg etc)
- Typical cross-section design (.pdf or image files)
STEP 3 - We will schedule a Custom Demo (or send you a quick custom demo video)!
- Live Demonstrations take ~45 minutes and are the best way to review if the software is appropriate.
- Quick demo videos are usually much shorter and less in depth.
Our Demonstration File Policy: We keep all our client’s data safe and secure. After completion of the demonstration, the data will be removed.
We look forward to demonstrating what our software can do for you!