Feb 29, 2024
We took a preview tour of our newest version, V11, coming out soon! This video is a great opportunity to have an advanced look at some of the coming features including the RoadEng (Path) Explorer: an AI for preliminary road & corridor design that searches for a feasible alignment under constraints like min/max grade, max side slope, min/max vertical offset, no-go zones, high-cost zones, etc.
- Agenda
- Terrain Module:
Hydrology Tools
Working with Data - Location Module:
3D Window Defaults
Polyline to Alignment
Multi Alignment Handling - Softree Optimal:
Smart CurvesPath Explorer - Licensing changes
V11 Update Q&A Session Video: • Q&A Section - Version 11 Feature Prev...
Learn more about: ◎ Version 11: https://www.softree.com/version-11