Aug 24, 2023
Path Explorer AI: Preliminary Road Design Tool
Explore options to get from Point A to Point B in minutes. Path Explorer searches for feasible alignments under constraints like min/max grade, max side slope, min/max vertical offset (cut/fill), no-go zones, high-cost zones, etc.
Jun 22, 2023
Free LiDAR Data Sources
There is a growing collection of free LiDAR and other DEM/Elevation data resources online and available to the public. We are often asked by customers about availability for LiDAR (or DEM) data in their area of interest. So our Support Team has put together a little list
Apr 14, 2023
Mine & Quarry Projects in RoadEng Webinar
Mining projects can be quite varied, but there are often many common workflow elements when designing in RoadEng. In this webinar, we explored software features and workflows that are particularly well suited for: pit design, stockpile volume estimates, pit ramp design, access & haul road optimization & design.
Mar 23, 2023
Rural County Road Design
This webinar covered a county road design start to finish in half an hour, from survey data to output sheets.