News & Events

Jun 17, 2019
University of Boku presents teaching curriculum with RoadEng to ForstPraxis
RoadEng has been an essential part of the teaching curriculum at the University of Bodenkultur in Viena, since the 90’s. Professor Ewald Pertlik, from the Department of Forest and Soil Sciences, Institute of forest engineering, recently presented the use of RoadEng at ForstPraxis a non-profit forest research and machinery test institution presented by KWF in Germany.

May 16, 2019
Civil Engineering Software for Haul & Access Road Design & Optimization
Softree was recently featured in a list of top mining software providers on Insights Success, a business magazine which features all types industry trends and technology, sharing ideas of top leaders and business executives. Check out the interview to our Co-founder, Dave Mills, who talks about the Softree journey in the software industry.

Apr 26, 2019
​Why RoadEng Makes Design Workflows More Efficient.
The power of CAD-based software is a double-edged sword: it offers a lot of functionality, but with many functions comes a steep learning curve. A one-size-fits-all compatible CAD package allows many users of varying roles in a firm to access the same software, yet each individual user rarely uses the entire set of functions at once. Thus, the firm often ends up paying for a total number of licenses that often far surpasses their actual design…

Apr 26, 2019
Tribute to Jack Rimac

Oct 4, 2018
Working with Drone Data
Tips & more for working with drone data in Terrain Tools & RoadEng. Over the past few years, Softree has seen a significant increase in customers using DEM data and imagery acquired from UAVs (unmanned aerial vehicles) , commonly referred to as drones. This form of mapping has a wide range of applications such as surveying right-of-ways prior after felling and prior to construction, construction monitoring, and as-built surveys.