News & Events

Jan 29, 2020
Upgrade to V9

Jan 9, 2020
Softree Technical Systems Releases RoadEng 9 with Cable Harvesting Planning Improvements
(Vancouver January 9, 2020) Softree Technical Systems Inc., a world leader in forest road and engineering software, announced the release of RoadEng Version 9.  This updated version offers a variety of new features for planning cable harvesting operations. Cable harvest planning and analysis using RoadEng 9 can help determine landing locations and road infrastructure.  Working off of a high-resolution digital terrain model (such as LiDAR), users…

Nov 4, 2019
Training Season Announcement
Our products are designed to require minimal training, so our courses will help you become proficient very quickly. Our more advanced courses cover details & techniques that will help you go beyond the basics and get the very most out of our products.

Sep 17, 2019
Version 9 Beta is Available
Version 9 is currently in testing and available in Beta to annual support subscribers now! With a planned release date before the end of 2019, you can get the scoop on what’s new & improved and check out a few new feature videos here:

Jul 9, 2019
Research in Road Alignment Optimization Wins EEPA 2019
Softree would like to congratulate our research partners, University of British Columbia Okanagan, for the recognition of their work towards Optimal Alignment Design for Road Construction – Using Optimization to Design Safe Roads at Minimal Cost. The team were the winners of the 2019 EURO Excellence in Practice Award (EEPA). Softree and UBC have had a long-standing collaboration that has led to the creation of Softree Optimal. Using…